04 Apr, 2022

RMA Publish 2022-23 Business Plan: OLR Research, Online Training, FRAME Review

Today, Monday 4th April, we are pleased to publish our new Business Plan which sets out our priorities for the year.

The RMA is a unique organisation in the UK. Our team are from a mix of backgrounds including psychology, social work and law, and we’re here to support justice partners in Scotland. Our work focusses on protecting the public by reducing the risk of serious harm posed by violent and sexual offending. Today, Monday 4th April, we are pleased to publish our new Business Plan which sets out our priorities for the year.

As a national authority of risk assessment and risk management, we contribute to ensuring decisions in the Scottish justice system are defensible and appropriate. A key piece of work we’ll begin in 2022-23 is a review of the operation of the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence. This is a significant piece of research to identify if there are areas for change and improvement.  

Understanding the complex needs within the OLR population is another area of focus for the RMA. This year we’ll publish a series of research papers looking at the behaviour of individuals who have been sentenced to an OLR. The research will help identify areas where practice can better support the implementation of the sentence, including areas such as victim safety planning. To stay up-to-date with developments and publication of this research make sure you subscribe to the RMA Enewsletter.  

A centre of excellence in risk assessment and management, we provide independent practical advice and training, and advocate for evidence-based ethical risk assessment and management. This year, along with continuing to deliver current training, we’ll begin to develop new online resources to address the demand for RMA training from justice agencies in Scotland. 

“I’m delighted to present our Business Plan, which outlines the work we plan to do in 2022-23. As the RMA, we have a duty to make sure that effective risk assessment and management practices are in place to reduce the risk of serious harm. This year, our team are set to begin significant projects to support the justice sector, including a review of the implementation of FRAME. As we enter the final year of our Corporate Plan, our objectives remain aligned to our strategic aims of Develop, Implement and Evaluate. These aims recognise the importance of our role in the justice system, and the contribution we make to Scottish Government National Outcomes and the Vision for Justice in Scotland. This Business Plan reflects the skills we have across the RMA team and I’m proud of the ways in which we support the justice sector in Scotland. We look forward to working with our partners in 2022-23 to advance risk practice.”
Mark McSherry, Chief Executive
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