25 Aug, 2021


The RMA’s Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19 have been laid before the Scottish Parliament by the Scottish Ministers under Section 13(2) of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003.

Today, we are pleased to publish our 2020–21 Annual Report, which outlines our activities and achievements over a very different year.  In March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic and like many other organisations, we have had to adapt to new ways of working this year.

“In a year like no other, we have learned many important lessons about ourselves and our communities. I am immensely grateful for the effort of our team in continuing to deliver in extraordinary circumstances. As we reflect on the work we have completed this year, we have begun to look forward, and engage in conversations about how we can work together to transform the future of public safety in Scotland.”
Mark McSherry, Chief Executive

RMA duties focus on protecting the public by ensuring that effective risk assessment and risk management practice are in place to reduce the risk of serious harm posed by violent and sexual offending. We have specific statutory responsibilities in relation to the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence and giving advice and recommendations to Scottish Ministers.  

“The financial year 2020/21 was an extremely difficult year for everyone. In the face of these difficulties, I am delighted to note our annual report and accounts evidences significant achievement made by the RMA in delivering its statutory functions while maintaining appropriate governance controls.”
Paul Keoghan, Director of Corporate Services
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