30 Nov, 2023

In Memoriam: Peter Johnston

With great sadness we acknowledge the passing of our previous Convener Peter Johnston. Following a career in law and the Procurator Fiscal Service and Crown Office, Peter was Chief Executive of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland and the International Federation.

When he was semi-retired he worked as a consultant to his former employers and international organisations in the field of institutional development in the developing world. Peter was driven by ethical practice and this left it’s mark on all he worked with.

Peter joined the RMA in 2006 and was Convener from 2008 until 2016. Throughout his time, he brought us kindness, laughter and many, many stories, not to mention those visits with his big dog Emma.  A gentle man of integrity and compassion, Peter used his vast experience and knowledge to steer and guide us through many changes.

Everyone at the RMA, past and present will forever be grateful for his support and wise counsel. We know Peter loved his role, as we loved him.

Our thoughts and condolences go to his family he adored and the many colleagues he influenced throughout his career.

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