23 Mar, 2021

Jim Farish and Joe Judge Appointed as Members of the RMA Board

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf MSP, today announced the appointment of Jim Farish and Dr Joe Judge as Members of the RMA Board.

We are delighted to welcome Jim Farish and Dr Joe Judge who both bring invaluable experience and expertise to the RMA Board. At RMA, our duties focus on protecting the public by ensuring that risk assessment and management meets the standard, to reduce reoffending and the harm it causes. Our Board meets bi-monthly to provide strategic direction, support and guidance, and monitor our progress against performance targets.

“I am absolutely delighted to welcome Jim Farish and Dr Joe Judge to the board of the RMA. During the selection process they demonstrated their knowledge, skills and experience and I am sure they will make a tremendous contribution the work of the RMA in the coming years.”
David Crawford, Board Convener
“I am delighted that Jim and Joe are joining our Board and bring with them extensive experience working in prisons, community and the state hospital. We look forward to working with them to realise our ambitions to transform the assessment and management of those who pose a risk of serious harm and to make Scotland safer.”
Mark McSherry, Chief Executive

The appointments are regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner. The appointments are for four years from 27 May 2021 until 26 May 2025.

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