Nationally, there are over one hundred mentors to act as knowledge owners and to implement quality assurance mechanisms within services. Prospective mentors require endorsement by their line manager to allow oversight and to ensure the most appropriate individuals are identified to adopt the mentoring role.

Most identified mentors will be first line managers who have adequate IT skills and are regular users of the method/ system. However, given line managers in some areas have a limited role in the actual use of the method, then a mix of practitioners and line managers and any other roles who could contribute have been identified as mentors in some areas.


• provide advice and support on LS/CMI matters to others within their service;
• contribute to any learning in and between the community and prison settings with regard to the use of the method;
• enable identification of any issues with the content and system that might inform future developments;
• develop and contribute towards quality assurance measures (supporting best practice in the use of the LS/CMI and risk assessment & management more generally).
• disseminate information in relation to updates/ developments/ learning;

To request details of identified LS/CMI mentors within your area please e-mail Julie or Ian. If you believe you should have access to the Mentor login area, please contact us.

Mentor Login


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